Baby on the brain? Writing baby shower thank you notes can feel really overwhelming when your to-do list is piling higher and higher each day. The good news is that we're here to make the whole process a walk in the park. Actually, a nap — nap in the park. That's how easy we think writing baby shower thank you notes can be. This post has everything you need from baby shower thank you wording examples for every type of situation possible, to actual baby shower designs for your viewing pleasure.

Excited yet? Well, we haven't even mentioned the best part. Aside from giving you the blueprints to writing the greatest baby shower thank you notes your guests have ever received (really though, they're about to have their minds blown), we're here to show you a way to write and send all of your baby shower thank you notes without so much as licking one envelope or ink-staining a single finger.

One word: Postable.

Postable lets you write your baby shower thank you notes online. After which, we'll print, address and mail them for you directly to each guest.

✅ Real, hold-in-your-hands baby shower thank you notes.

✅ Stunning cards that are all designer made.

✅ All mailed via traditional snail mail (First Class USPS).

No, you're not dreaming.

You can send beautiful baby shower thank you notes in a few minutes without leaving your home. Postable will print, address, and mail them for you.

What To Include In Baby Shower Thank You Card Wording

You have so much to say, so much gratitude to shower upon each and every one of your guests, but the moment you find yourself facing a blank baby shower thank you note — your mind goes blank. What do you write in a baby shower thank you card? Organizing thoughts into a cohesive string of sentences is easier said than done (especially with baby-baby-baby on the brain). We get it. That's why we're organizing your thoughts for you below.

Here are the main elements you'll want to include in your baby shower thank you card wording:

  • Acknowledge the time and effort they invested.
  • Be specific about the gift.
  • Close on a high note looking into the future.

Thanks for putting in the time and effort!

Acknowledge the fact that finding the perfect mama and baby matching onesie — the one made with insanely soft fabric —  took some serious time and effort. Your loved ones went out of their way to find the perfect baby shower gift just for you and your future little babe, so make sure you let them know that you're grateful for such thoughtfulness.

Example: I know how hard it is to find the fabric this onesie is made with; thank you for putting in so much effort to find the perfect outfit for little Ivy. I know she'll love snuggling in it!

Details, details, details!

A good baby shower thank you note has got the goods on the details. Your guests put in some thought (presumably) into your baby shower gift and they want to know how you like it. Mention the gift and something that you appreciate about it or perhaps how excited you are to use it and in what way.

Example: How you could have possibly known that I'm obsessed with sunflowers is beyond me, but you totally nailed it with these matching sunflower designs!

Look to the future!

And finally, an easy and effortless way to end a baby shower thank you note (or really any thank you card) is by looking positively into the future. That might mean you let your recipient know you're looking forward to seeing them soon — perhaps at a planned brunch date — or some other manner in which your paths will cross again.

Example: I can't wait to take more photos than I know what to do with. Prepare yourself for a slew of matching baby and mama outfits coming your way in just a few months!

Baby Shower Thank You Wording Examples

Ok, but what do you actually write in the baby shower thank you card? What words do you string together to make the most gracious of thank you notes ever created? As for the most gracious, we'll have to get back to you, but this comprehensive list of baby shower thank you wording examples should certainly give you a head start.

Remember to make your baby shower thank you note personal by including specific details about your recipient and their gift… And of course how much you love it!

Baby shower thank you card wording general:

  • So glad you could make it to my special gathering. Your positive energy and presence helped make my baby shower a truly special event. Thank you for coming, participating, and making that day so special.
  • From the diaper cake to the baby bottle cake toppers to the big ole' bow that wrapped it all up so elegantly — thank you for such a lovely gift. I know Mike and I will get plenty of use out of every single element.
  • I so appreciate the time and effort it must have taken you to find that set of eco-friendly infant toys. I can't wait for little Indie to play, learn, and grow as she uses them and I definitely can't wait to take all the pictures as she does so and text them to you uncontrollably (just kidding).
  • Your thoughtful collection of infant books was such an incredible gift, but I'm even more grateful for your enthusiastic participation at the baby shower. I was so worried the games would be awkward, but your laughter and contagious joy brought so much life to the party. Thank you for everything!

Baby shower thank you wording for coworkers:

  • Wow! What did I ever do to deserve such a special set of colleagues?! I am so grateful for the surprise baby shower you all threw me as I bid farewell for my leave. Thank you for making this transition so seamless for me, my family, and my career.
  • Thank you for the lovely gift; it was a special surprise! I'm so excited to continue my streak of organizing memories, only this time with my new little one. I'll be sure to bring in the finished scrapbook and share the memories you all helped me to save.
  • I appreciate the vote of confidence this team has given me over the course of these last few years and especially so as I move into this next chapter of my life. Thank you for being so supportive during my maternity leave and of course for the lovely gift.

Late baby shower thank you note wording:

  • Phew, who knew being a new mom made the clock speed up?! My sincerest apologies for this belated thank you, and I hope this in no way reflects my gratitude for your lovely baby shower gift. In fact, little Ivy has clung to the quilt you made her since day one. I certainly appreciate the ease with which I can clean it — it's like you knew. Again, please forgive my tardiness and know that I am so grateful for your gift and presence in my life.
  • I'm late. I know. I'm sorry. You're the absolute best human for taking care of all the food at the baby shower AND finding the world's greatest diaper bag to ever be created. Seriously, how did you manage to find one that's my favorite color (lime green with a hint of lavender)?! I'm sorry it took me so long to say this, but good golly: THANK YOU!
  • Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. So sorry it's taken me this long to send this thank you note. John and I were really excited about the wooden toy collection — a truly unique and thoughtful gift — for little Indie. She's already claimed the alphabet blocks as her favorite.

You can send beautiful baby shower thank you notes in a few minutes without leaving your home. Postable will print, address and mail them for you.

Thank you note wording for baby shower hostess:

  • Part decor savvy, part organizing genius, part gracious host — you are a magical unicorn if there ever was one. I am so grateful to you and your giving spirit for hosting my baby shower. I know how much time, effort, and love you've put into the day and I hope you know just how much it all meant to me. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
  • What a beautiful baby shower!? Thank you for putting the whole thing together. I have no idea how you made it seem so effortless because I know for a fact it wasn't. I appreciate your help more than you know and I hope to one day return the favor.

Baby shower thank you wording to an out-of-town guest:

  • We were so happy you made the trek over to our neck of the woods to help us celebrate our baby's arrival. Thank you so much for taking the time to make that happen! We hope to come visit you soon and this time we'll be a caravan of 3!
  • Thank you for making room in your schedule to come visit with us and attend our baby shower. We were so happy to spend the day with you in attendance. Don't be a stranger!
  • Nathan and I were so excited you were able to come to our baby shower. Your loving presence was in itself such a lovely gift, but we should tell you that your daddy toolkit has already come in handy more than Nathan would like to admit. Thank you so much for such a fun and useful gift and making time to come join us all the way across the state!

Baby shower thank you wording for someone who missed the shower:

  • We were sorry you weren't able to attend our baby shower, but your presence was felt in spirit. Thank you so much for the gracious gift, it will make for an incredible addition to our baby's first months on this Earth.

How do you thank someone for baby shower money?

  • Thank you so much for attending our baby shower, your killer baby pong skills truly made for an entertaining afternoon. We're so grateful for your gracious money gift — we've used it to open a college fund for Ivy.
  • We are so grateful for your generous gift. Thank you! We put the money towards the diaper fund we'll be sure to be dipping into just as soon as little Joey is born.

Some of our favorite baby shower thank you cards (that you can send right now in minutes).

Phew, that's a lot of thank you notes. We hope you're inspired to write your own and are excited at the prospect of getting them all in the mail asap. Before you get started, here are a few of our favorite baby shower thank you card designs from the Postable collection.

Each card was designed by an independent artist who lives, breathes, and creates greeting cards that make others smile. Enjoy!

Onesie Thank You by Hello Paper Co.

A classic and modern design all in one, this adorable black and white baby shower thank you card is perfect for the minimalist.

Giggles Baby Shower Thank You Card by Benched Pressed

In true Bench Pressed fashion, this card will make your recipients giggle. If you're looking for a light-hearted and laugh-out-loud kind of baby shower thank you card then you've got yourself a winner!

Thanks Blocks by Jacqui Lee

A delightfully colorful and playful design, this card will melt your guests' hearts (in the best way possible).

Photo Baby Shower Thank You Note by Postable

If you've got yourself a photo of your new babe you want to share with your guests, this simple baby shower thank you card will be perfect. Meaningful, classic, and totally customizable.

Oh Baby! By Clap Clap

If you want to go with something more fun and playful, this Clap Clap baby card should have everything you could ever want.

Aardvark Baby Shower Thank You Note by Jacqui Lee

Another Jacqui Lee creation, this adorable thank you note design is perfect for baby shower with a baby animal theme.

Baby Shower Thank You Wording Tips and Etiquette

Hopefully you've found the right design and have got a good idea of what to write in your baby shower thank you notes. Before you dive in, here are a few tips and etiquette guidelines for your review. We hope these further help you to write the perfect note and do so with ease.

  • Mind the length.
  • Keep it personal.
  • Send them on time.
  • Send them to everyone involved.

Mind the length.

You're not writing your master thesis — this is a thank you note so your space is limited. By sticking to the three main elements mentioned at the top of this post you should be able to keep your thank you to about four sentences.

Keep it personal.

Keeping your baby shower thank you note wording personal should be simple when you stick to the main elements, but it's worth mentioning twice. By including specific details about the gift, you're inherently adding a personal touch to your thank you.

How long do you have to write baby shower thank you notes?

This one's important. Sending your baby shower thank you notes in a timely manner is nothing to scoff at. If your guests receive your thank you note and they've all, but forgotten what they've gifted you — it's been too long.

Our collective memory spans aren't very long, so you have about 2-3 months to send them out before the memory starts to drift. Ideally, baby shower thank you notes are mailed before the baby arrives or very shortly thereafter.

But how do you [actually] finish your baby shower thank you notes on time?

Being a brand new parent is incredibly time consuming and tiring (take all the naps now). Writing baby shower thank you notes with a new baby isn't easy, but you can always use Postable to make it a breeze.

You can send the thank you notes one at a time to chip away at the list or save them in your account and send them all at once with a click of a button when you're ready.

A real expert weighs in…

We wanted to get a real expert to help weigh in on getting these bad boys done without waiting until the little babe is graduating high school.

Caroline Allec, a new mom, heads the parenting section at Money Done Right and has some stellar tips!

Use a template.

If efficiency is the name of the game when it comes to sending out your baby shower thank you cards, just use a simple three- or four-sentence template for the majority of your notes.

Sure, you may want to elaborate a bit on the card to your sister or your best friend, but for the majority of guests, a template will work just fine. It's not like they're going to compare thank you cards and say, "Aha! They're all the same!"

If you're freaking out about using the wrong words, feel free to use the template I used:

Dear [Name],

Thank you so much for getting us the wonderful [Gift]. I can just picture little [Baby's Name] using it in a few months! It was so thoughtful of you, and it was just what we wanted. It was great seeing you, and I hope you can meet little [Baby's Name] soon!


[Your Name]

Assign someone at your baby shower to keep track of gifts.

Ask whoever is planning your baby shower to assign somebody to keep track of who gave what when you open up the gifts.

A simple pen and notepad will do, but if you really want to get with the times, have this helper use Google Sheets.

Optional: put this person in charge of making sure you have an updated address for all your guests.

Watch TV while writing out your notes.

Don't view writing your thank you cards as some kind of massive chore.

This task is mindless enough that you can get it done while doing something enjoyable such as watching T.V. or listening to music.

Assuming you didn't invite your whole town, you could probably knock out writing all your thank you cards within a couple of episodes of The Office that you've already watched umpteen times.

Who do you need to thank with a baby shower thank you note?

With so many people involved in just about every aspect of getting-ready-for-baby-life it's easy to get overwhelmed at who to actually thank. The simple answer is everyone. Everyone who has gifted the mom and dad to-be deserves a thank you note. That means everyone who attended the baby shower, but also anyone who sent a gift that couldn't attend. Additionally, you should thank the host of the baby shower as well as anyone who helped organize the gathering or provide food and decorations.

The importance of sending thank you cards after your baby shower.

Sending baby shower thank you cards is not only a practice in polite manners, but it's also pragmatic. They are especially relevant in the last year when many baby showers went virtual and baby shower gifts were mailed rather than hand delivered. Baby shower thank you notes confirm the delivery of the gift.

Related [Baby] Guides

Entering the almost-a-parent stage means you likely have a whole list of questions that only seems to be getting longer. We get it. Being a new parent is hard, confusing, and often overwhelming. Not to worry. Here are a few additional resources and guides to help you kick start this journey of yours like the pros that you are.

  • 31 Baby Apps to Help New Parents
  • 8 Coed Baby Shower Tips to Planning a Fun Celebration for Everyone
  • Birth Announcement Ideas: Wording, Samples & Photos to Inspire You